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New Year, New Resolutions: Easy Goals for 2019

Sonny Rae

Updated: Jan 13, 2020

Hey there, Sunshines. Now that the Christmas season has come to an end, it’s time to start thinking about all of those resolutions to make… So they can be broken one month later - just kidding! – this year I’m setting some realistic goals I know I can keep up on all year long! Obviously, abandoning resolutions is a running joke every year, but it’s time to finally prove that new year wrong! Here are some easy resolutions I like to set for myself so I can stay on track and feel accomplished next holiday season. They’re easy enough you can follow along with them, too!

1. If it takes you less than two minute: DO IT.

This is a resolution I read about in a Buzzfeed article (of course) last year and it sounded simple enough. Ever since then I’ve realized just how much this two-minute rule helps in my everyday life. It’s a very simple concept, if something you need to do takes two minutes or less, just go ahead and do it. If you’re like me, you try on a hundred different outfits before choosing your normal go to outfit and you’re left with items of clothing thrown about your entire room. Before this two-minute deal I would either leave it there until I finally found the energy to put it away OR I would go the extra lazy route and throw everything in my hamper, even though it was perfectly clean clothes. Now that I’ve adapted this new resolution, my cluttered closet and bed have actually stayed nice and tidy. This is just one example of how the two-minute rule has been beneficial, but I’ve found so many more instances where this has saved me loads of time in the long run. I highly recommend adding this into your daily routine; you won’t regret it!

2. The 12 Hour Fast

So, normally I am not a fan of fad diets but this one is something I tend to do regardless of if I’m aware of it or not. It’s as simple as it sounds, you fast for 12 hours every day whether it be during the day or overnight. The easiest way to do it, so you’re not STARVING during the day, is to set a time to stop eating by at night and then waiting to eat 12 hours later. For example, I’m setting my time to stop eating at 9PM, which means I wouldn’t be able to eat until 9AM the next day. I normally eat dinner round 7:00 anyways, and then I make sure I don’t eat breakfast until a little later in my day and the majority of my “fast” is done while I’m sleeping so I don’t get hangry. It’s hard setting a fitness or health goal every year and sticking to it, so this is an easy way to integrate somewhat of a diet without it being this drastic change to your life. It’s easy to follow and it won’t leave you desperate to eat.

3. Switch One Meal or Snack with a Healthy Alternative

Instead of completely changing your diet just start small! Choose one of your meals or usual snacks and trade it with something healthy. Maybe instead of your typical lunchtime Italian Sub, eat a protein bowl, salad or smoothie. You can even trade your habitual TV watching salty snack with some fruit or vegetables with hummus. It’s a great way to integrate healthy food into your diet without you feeling like you’re giving up all of your favorite foods. It’s hard to break our habits of eating whatever we’re craving, but this simple trick makes it easy to follow through on a diet.

4. Take 20 Minutes a Day for Yourself

The older I get the more I realize how little time I have in a day. Before I know it it’s 11:00 at night and I barely got everything I wanted to done. There’s always an errand to run, an appointment to make, laundry to do and people to visit. Although our lives are hectic and stressful it is so important to make time for yourself to unwind and focus on our mental health. This year is better time than any to make a promise to take 20 minutes out of every day to do something for you. It doesn’t matter what it is, maybe it’s a 20-minute meditation session, a 20-minute bath, 20 minutes to plug in a pair of headphones and work that short story you’ve always wanted to get around to, or even just 20 minutes to read a chapter or two out of the book you bought but never had time to read. Whatever it is, make sure you focus on yourself and relax! You deserve it.

5. Find a Way to Be More Sustainable

Let’s get real, we can all do AT LEAST the bare minimum to be somewhat environmentally friendly. We only have one planet so we might as well treat it right. A great and easy New Year Resolution is to find just one way to be sustainable. A few ways I chose to help out the environment a little is by investing in a great reusable water bottle and some awesome reusable grocery bags. I never leave the house without them! I bought a 32oz Hydroflask and its attached at my hip every single day; not only does it save me from buying and using plastic water bottles or cups all day long but it is also a great way to make sure I’m constantly staying hydrated. I call that a win-win. I also bought a bunch of reusable bags at Target and refuse to use anything else when I shop. I bring them with me every time I go shopping and it feels great never having to use any plastic bags. There are so many other ways to help the environment; switch to paperless banking, use a reusable coffee mug, always print double sided, make your own soaps or detergent, the list goes on and on. So find a way you can integrate sustainability into your life for the New Year! You’ll feel great and the Earth will thank you!


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